Chris Kemper
Chris Kemper

Deadlift 500 pounds
Back squat 425 and run a mile in 7 to 10 business days.


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Coach

Chris Kemper

Husband, father of two boys, former high school football player and competitive shooter.

A few years ago,backwhen my son Colton was firstbornI weighedin excess of400 pounds.When he was10months old, I found myself trying to crawl with himandI struggled. I knew at thatpoint,I needed to change things. I lost 175 pounds in all of the wrong ways and then found a place called Delaware Fit Factory.A member for two years and a coach for one.During this time,I was hitwith a cancer diagnosis.My wife,my sons, and my gym family were allthere for me.I owea lotof my successes to our members and other Coaches helping me through the worst time of my life.

I live to help others! My joy is making people stronger, help people be healthier, put a smile on faces and make our members BetterEveryDay. Lastly, seeing one of our members do a movement or a lift they’ve never been able to do and seeing the shock on their face when they do it is the ultimate reward!